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2022 The Liverpool Art Society celebrated it's 25th Anniversary.

Formed  in 1997

by Josephine Mula, Margaret Beadle and Jacqueline Gwynne. 

Even though there had been an Art group in the 70's and a Liverpool Art Prize which was held every year (run by Rotary & Liverpool Council), by the 90's there was no Art Society.

In early 1997, to address this pressing need, Josephine Mula, a current Life Member, called a public meeting at the Liverpool City Library. This meeting was so well attended that an inaugural meeting was held at Liverpool City Library on 8 April, 1997 and the Liverpool Art Society was formed. 

In August, 1998 the Society held its first Annual Exhibition at the Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre (CPAC) and and CPAC continues to support LAS in many ways, including the hosting of the  Society's Annual Exhibition. with Liverpool City Council is the major Sponsor. 

From the original 26 members, the Society has grown to over 250 members which include three of the original 1997 members; and is continuing to flourish despite the fact that it has no premises of its own. Meetings, classes and workshops are held in hired community facilities.


Liverpool Art Society Inc. 

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